Time Patterns

Time Patterns 

For the Time Patterns kinetic ‘analogue machine’ series I developed ways to express my observations of the energy of natural phenomena through a constantly changing movement of dots and filters. Time and space are shown here in a pure dualistic and contrasting movement.

The viewer is not a passive spectator, but takes part in how they view and experience the work. Here I explore the use of patterns, using filters and effects of rotating and interaction of the parts to captivate the viewer.

The kinetic optical installation ‘Time Patterns I’ was nominated for the seventh place in 6th International André Evard-Art Award by the Kunsthalle Messmer in Germany in 2021. The work was exhibited in the Award exhibition in Kunsthalle Messmer.

Kinetic installation, Steel, perspex, electric motor and wood, 125 x 97 cm, 2021

Time Patterns II, Kinetic Optical Installation, 50 cm x 100 cm, Steel, perspex, electric motor and wood, 2019


Time Patterns I, Kinetic Optical Installation, 71 cm x 92 cm, Steel, perspex, electric motor, wood 2019.